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Showing posts from August, 2019

Genocide? WTF!

Genocide? WTF! Several years ago, I saw a list summarising the Ten Stages of Genocide, by Gregory H. Stanton.  As a follow up to the witchcraft comparison, I thought it might be interesting to work through Prof. Stanton's list and see what seems to fit with the persecution of mainly white middle class men, under the pretext of sex crime prosecutions. The Ten Stages of Genocide was a briefing paper submitted in 1996 to the US State Department. The original paper had only 8 stages. Discrimination and Persecution stages were added in 2012. Prof. Stanton suggests remedies, checks and safeguards against each stage. I've edited these out of the text quoted below. That's because I'm only making a comparison between what he describes and what is occurring in the witch hunt. If you'd like to read the full text, it's here. Here's some information about  Gregory H. Stanton. Prof. Stanton asserts that genocide develops predictably but not...

Witch Hunts, Old and New

Witch Hunts, Old and New The phenomenon of targeted sex-crime prosecutions of mostly white, middle-class men in the Anglophone world is often described as a witch hunt. I thought it might be interesting to see how many similarities there are with historical witch hunts conducted in Europe and colonial America. There are even comparisons to be made with less developed societies that still have witch hunts or prohibit witchcraft today, as well as political purges like MacArthyism or China's Cultural Revolution. A further example is the lynching of black American men, well into the 20th century. I did some background reading and jotted down a list as things occurred to me, anticipating that perhaps I could come up with half a dozen points and work them up into an article. When I finished the list, I counted 22 items, which feels a bit ominous. I'm drawing mainly on my observation of the modern British sex witch hunt, but I understand that similar events are happening i...