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Genocide? WTF!

Genocide? WTF!

Several years ago, I saw a list summarising the Ten Stages of Genocide, by Gregory H. Stanton. As a follow up to the witchcraft comparison, I thought it might be interesting to work through Prof. Stanton's list and see what seems to fit with the persecution of mainly white middle class men, under the pretext of sex crime prosecutions.

The Ten Stages of Genocide was a briefing paper submitted in 1996 to the US State Department. The original paper had only 8 stages. Discrimination and Persecution stages were added in 2012. Prof. Stanton suggests remedies, checks and safeguards against each stage. I've edited these out of the text quoted below. That's because I'm only making a comparison between what he describes and what is occurring in the witch hunt.

If you'd like to read the full text, it's here.

Here's some information about Gregory H. Stanton.

Prof. Stanton asserts that genocide develops predictably but not inexorably. I dearly hope he's right about the latter. He also says the process is not linear, and that some stages may occur simultaneously.

1. CLASSIFICATION: All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them” by ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality: German and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most likely to have genocide.

The very clear classification of those convicted of a so-called sexual crime, and those not, corresponds to this first point. Even those accused but acquitted are sometimes categorised as "them" because of the enduring taint of the nature of the accusation.

2. SYMBOLIZATION: We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We name people “Jews” or “Gypsies”, or distinguish them by colors or dress; the yellow star for Jews under Nazi rule, the blue scarf for people from the Eastern Zone in Khmer Rouge Cambodia.

Symbolisation in the sex witch hunt is mainly through nomenclature conveying hatred: pervert, paedophile etc. Linguistic accuracy is unimportant. Many men convicted for having sex with a willing 15 year old are incorrectly referred to as paedophiles. Instead, the intention is to vilify and to mark men with the negative designation. Public advertising of so-called sex offenders' identities, addresses and photographs is a feature of the witch hunt in the USA.

3. DISCRIMINATION: A dominant group uses law, custom, and political power to deny the rights of other groups. The powerless group may not be accorded full civil rights or even citizenship. 

Most victims of the sex witch hunt are made subject to some kind of sex-offender registration. This makes registrants subject to extra criminal offences that don't apply to anyone else. Failure to report the number of a new bank card to the police, for example, becomes a crime punishable by a maximum of 5 years in prison. A British man ACQUITTED of rape was made subject to a court order making it a crime for him to have sex without giving police 24 hours notice. Meanwhile, there is no special register and extensive regime of extra laws for other categories of crime.

4. DEHUMANIZATION: One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. At this stage, hate propaganda in print and on hate radios is used to vilify the victim group.

You don't have to search very far to find numerous examples of this online and in the printed news media.

5. ORGANIZATION: Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility. Sometimes organization is informal or decentralized.

There has undoubtedly been organisation in the campaign to corrupt criminal law in the area of so-called sexual crimes. This has allowed the state to target citizens of a particular social group which hitherto was overwhelmingly non-criminal, and imprison them on the flimsiest of pretexts. Numerous vigilante groups entrap men in sexual charades or contrive conconted crimes. They work with the approval and assistance of police, and sometimes even directly on their behalf. However, they are not subject to the safeguards and oversight that regulate police behaviour. The parallel with the use of militias to allow official deniability is plain to see.

6. POLARIZATION: Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Laws may forbid intermarriage or social interaction. Extremist terrorism targets moderates, intimidating and silencing the center. Moderates from the perpetrators’ own group are most able to stop genocide, so are the first to be arrested and killed.

Driving the convicted apart from the rest of society is most clearly seen in the USA, where residence restrictions exile men to homelessness or rural squalor. As in DISCRIMINATION, above, extensive regulation inhibits or criminalises formation of relationships or even innocuous social interaction with whole sectors of society. Again, one doesn't have to look very hard to find intimidation and even violent attacks on people who speak out in favour of due process for those accused of so-called sex crimes. Even rational discussion of the policy issues surrounding so-called sex crimes provokes mob bullying and sometimes physical violence.

7.  PREPARATION:  National or perpetrator group leaders plan the “Final Solution” to the Jewish, Armenian, Tutsi or other targeted group “question.” They often use euphemisms to cloak their intentions, such as referring to their goals as “ethnic cleansing,” “purification,” or “counter-terrorism.” They build armies, buy weapons and train their troops and militias.  They indoctrinate the populace with fear of the victim group. 

Indocrinating the populace with irrational fear of sex-criminal men has been happening for some time. The chief delivery method has been hysterically sensationalised news media content, with enthusiastic help from activism by Marx-Feminist extremists. Another preparatory measure is the increased construction of prison facilities dedicated to the target group. The euphemisms employed are "child protection," or "vulnerable safeguarding." These are worthy aims, but not what the preparations are actually pursuing.

8. PERSECUTION: Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocide, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is often expropriated. Sometimes they are even segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved. Genocidal massacres begin. They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group. 

There is a couple of reasonable comparisons here. The first is the residential segregation discussed in POLARIZATION, above, as a ghetto analogy. In addition, dedicated prisons and indefinite imprisonment post-sentence (known as Civil Commitment in the USA) correspond somewhat to deportation into concentration camps. As mentioned in DISCRIMINATION above, court orders creating bespoke crimes for individual men, even without any criminal conviction, serve a similar function in Britain.

9. EXTERMINATION begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called “genocide.” It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human.

Organised, mass killings of men convicted or accused of so-called sex crimes have not yet happened. However, individual examples of targeted murders regularly occur. They are either half-heartedly investigated by the authorities, or punished very leniently. One British woman stabbed to death an elderly man convicted decades ago of minor sexual crimes. She received a 5 year prison sentence. A man in Michigan tried to murder a person he mistakenly thought was a registered sex offender by driving over him. His penalty was 3 years probation.

10. DENIAL is the final stage that lasts throughout and always follows a genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile.

We haven't had any genocidal killings yet, so there can't be any denial of that, although there is denial of the true purposes of some of the aspects discussed above. There is also wilful blindness to the negative consequences of eroding due process in sex-crime prosecutions. There is complete official refusal to recognise the very clear research demonstrating that sex-offender registration schemes are not only ineffective, but counterproductive. The US Supreme Court has quite bizarrely decided that Civil Commitment does not violate their constitutional prohibitions on double jeopardy and ex post facto laws. For years, the UK government tried to force men convicted of so-called sex crimes  to undergo a treatment programme. The scheme had been comprehensively discredited years before. The government refused to heed advice from one of its expert civil servants that the programme was ineffective. Her employment was terminated when she published her research. So there's plenty of denial about what's already happening.

Now it's your turn, dear reader. I hope I've set you thinking. What is your judgement of where men accused or convicted of so-called sex crimes are in The Ten Stages of Genocide? Do you think the whole comparison is a valid exercise, or over-dramatic?

But don't say I didn't warn you.

Christopher Trinnaman


  1. There is an intersection of lesbian and puritan feminists who have made clear their desire for genocide against men. The sex registries are a useful tool in pushing their insane agenda. This should not be seen as something that lesbians do or puritans do normally. It is when they get together in an intersectional dialectic that the fascist patricidal insanity comes out.


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